Home > About Vaizen > Our Role
Vaizen has been listed as 'Valve & Solution Supplier' in almost all chemical, petrochemical, steel plant, oil refinery, LCD, off shore and semiconductor related to customers. With all the stated roles below, Vaizen is ready to provide total guarantee, reduction in initial investment & maintenance cost and reliability, depedability and safety.
Engineering / Design & Consultancy
Technical Support / Assistance
Procurement Service
Project Management
Global Networking
Tailor-made Engineering
Automation / Acuation
Enhanced Testing
Site Supervision
Maintenance / Repair
6F 606, SKV1 Tower, 25, Yeonmujang 5ga-gil, Seongdong-gu, Seoul, 04782, Korea / Tel: (822)-400-7210 / Fax: (822)-400-7180
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